
Let’s Get Together And Talk About Your Technology

Managing your IT assets and infrastructure can be a real challenge when you have a whole business to look after in parallel. IT is endless possibilities and solutions, let us help you make the best decision.

One consultation, No obligation.

There is no obligation with our free consultation. It will be a simple conversation where we will learn more about you, your business and IT requirement. We'll glady discuss any subject with you to give you a better understanding of your current situation and how we can make it more efficient. A few topics that we talk over :

  • How secured is my IT infrastructure?
  • Do I need any backup plan or how effective is my backup plan?
  • How much should I budget for IT?
  • Is my business ready to move to the cloud?
  • Is it time for a hardware upgrade?
  • Can I make my telephony system more efficient?

You are just one form away from a Free Consultation. Sign up or call us on +230 260 4655 for a more personal touch.

Sign Up Today For A Free Consultation

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  • Last Name *
  • Company Name *
  • Phone *
  • Your Concerns:

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      We believe that our impact goes beyond usual business etiquette. As a responsible company in Mauritius, we care about making a positive difference for the greater good. Therefore, we are organizing our first-ever blood donation event with TNS Consume...

      Contact us

      Learn more about what ServiQual can do for your business.

      Call us : +230 260 4650
      Email us :
      Help Desk : 86101

      Ground Floor, Aptis House, INOVA Business Park , Riche Terre, Mauritius