ServiQual Blog

Established in 2014, ServiQual has over the years served numerous clients in Mauritius. Through our blog section, we want to share the knowledge and expertise acquired over the years. Enjoy the read and stay tuned for more blogs!

Are Managed Services Really That Big a Deal? Yes: Here’s Why


The cloud has enabled managed IT service providers, or MSPs, to fill a uniquely shaped void in many companies’ business models. Working with a managed service provider can make up for all of the traditional challenges of technology maintenance and management while also affording you unique opportunities to reduce costs, minimize waste, and maximize productivity.

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3 Ways that Managed Services Can Boost Your Business’ Profitability


In good times and bad, profitability is the priority for most businesses out there. Having said that, this priority is typically a challenging one to achieve, but did you know that there are a few different ways that investing in a relationship with a managed service provider can help increase your productivity—and as a result, your overall profitability?

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Move the Needle with Dynamic IT Support


Business technology is a useful tool, there’s no way around it. Unfortunately for businesses, technology has to be replaced every so often. Even if the technology doesn’t break, there are innovations made that can help your organization do what you do better. The thing is: Technology does break, so you need to understand how to get the most value out of it when it is working. 

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When Everything is Powered by IT, You Need a Reliable IT Resource


Let me ask you a question: is there anything in your office that doesn’t rely on technology in some way, shape, or form (and no, the old coffeepot that makes the perfect cup doesn’t count)? Increasingly, the answer to that question is “no.” Let’s review how much the average business nowadays relies on IT to really reinforce how ubiquitous technology has become.

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What are IT Best Practices, Anyways?


We throw the term “best practice” around a lot… enough that, without an appreciation for what the term actually means, it can start to sound like just another buzzword that the IT guy is using to sound more impressive. We assure you that this is not the case, and that the term “best practice” actually does mean something.

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We believe that our impact goes beyond usual business etiquette. As a responsible company in Mauritius, we care about making a positive difference for the greater good. Therefore, we are organizing our first-ever blood donation event with TNS Consume...

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Ground Floor, Aptis House, INOVA Business Park , Riche Terre, Mauritius