ServiQual Blog

Established in 2014, ServiQual has over the years served numerous clients in Mauritius. Through our blog section, we want to share the knowledge and expertise acquired over the years. Enjoy the read and stay tuned for more blogs!

The Best Practices of Video Conferencing


Video conferencing has really taken off in recent years, due in no small part to the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced remote work on most businesses worldwide. However, businesses see the benefits of video conferencing, and it has now cemented itself as a go-to communications solution for all businesses. Today, we want to discuss how to make virtual meetings and video conferencing more productive and more engaging.

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Identifying Technology Fatigue and What to Do About It


Technology fatigue is the mental grinding that comes with the overwhelming use of technology in our lives. Many people in the workforce haven’t had to use technology as much as they do today and the ever-growing demand for technology in business creates problems for employees (and therefore businesses). This week, we thought we’d discuss the truth behind technology fatigue and how individuals can do a better job of not getting burnt out from tech.

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Staying On Top of Your Technology Can Make Your Organization Much More Productive


Every business depends on productivity, but there are many different forms that productivity can take. The types that every business prefers are the actions that result in improved revenue generation. That’s not to say that all work that is done for your business isn’t important, but the more that can be done to make money, the better off your business will be. Let’s take a look at three ways your business can shift the way they do things with the use of technology. 

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Get to Where You Want to Go with Technology


Technology enables some amazing things for businesses, but it can influence the way you both look at operations and the way your business functions. Not all businesses have the capital to make these large technology investments. You are far from optionless, though; today we want to discuss some of the better investments you can make in your technology infrastructure, in particular ones that won’t drain your budget.

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What Do You Need Onsite Computing For?


Cloud computing has been a hot topic in IT circles for a few years. First because of the skepticism that many IT professionals had for the practice, and now that it is a mainstream business technology, ways to boost security to protect the organization who has embraced this computing strategy. We’re here to tell you that while cloud computing is convenient, flexible, and seemingly affordable, there are instances where having physical machines makes more sense for a business. 

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3 Common Technical Issues We’re Here to Help With


There are times when you experience computer problems and you might hesitate to call in the big guns to resolve the issue. Unfortunately, the reality is that many businesses are under the impression that calling experts to handle their computer problems will leave them in a difficult position financially. We’re here to make sure that doesn’t happen! Here are three common computer repair problems that you might—just might—be able to solve in a simple and easy way.

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Adding to Your Infrastructure Doesn’t Have to Be a Headache


There will come a time when your business will need to acquire hardware like monitors, server units, workstations, networking components, and other technology. It is your responsibility as a business owner to make educated decisions about how you go about upgrading your gear, but it’s not always immediately obvious what the correct path forward is.

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Is Your Business Following These Essential Best Practices Right Now?


Whenever your technology is involved in your business processes, it is important that you abide by best practices to see the most effective results. Let’s run through the most effective practices that you should reinforce in your operations.

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Technology Is Helping Create the “New Normal”


With productivity being a massively important metric for every business, situations like the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic create a lot of fear and uncertainty; especially with businesses having to find new ways to go about doing things so that they can keep revenue coming in. This week, we thought we’d take a minute to look into how businesses have made it this far and how each element of a business has had to react to the ongoing crisis. 

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Business Continuity Planning a Must


Every business continuity plan should include:

Threat Identification

Identifying the threats your business might face has to be the first thing that you do. They should include small issues that could just suspend operations briefly and major disasters that would present substantial disruption. A threat matrix, as it is called, should list threats and the response to each.  

A Command Chain 

Every business has a hierarchy of authority that is crucial to the continuation of the business in times of crisis. 

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We believe that our impact goes beyond usual business etiquette. As a responsible company in Mauritius, we care about making a positive difference for the greater good. Therefore, we are organizing our first-ever blood donation event with TNS Consume...

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Ground Floor, Aptis House, INOVA Business Park , Riche Terre, Mauritius